Jordan Greenich Jordan Greenich

A Meditation on Perfection

I release the shadow of perfectionism—that anything should be different than it is.

I rise, past the realm of acceptance, into the loving arms of reverence. I welcome this quality of unconditional love into my heart with tears in my eyes—it breaks me open and heals all forms of contraction within me that I am not enough—and that the world is broken.

I am the whole Universe coalesced into one single point of awareness. What a marvel… an absolute miracle! That I could be all that, and yet have thought I was not enough.

What a miracle, that I can see myself clearly now—that I see the Universe—myself—looking back at me in all things.

If the world ever seems broken, it is because we have forgotten this.

I worship every moment of my life; I treasure each fleeting glimpse into the many other lives I live as the Creator. It is the most breathtaking beauty, and I am blessed to behold it.

Source, nurture this knowing within me. Never let this fire of reverence in my heart die…

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